Россия, Москва и МО, Одинцовский район, спортивная трасса Ромашково

Competition type
Way of moving
СК Ромашково
Laps 1
Athletes 14
Distance length 16.000 m

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    Mistake 100%-105% 105%-115% 115%-125% 125%-135% 135%-145% 145%-165% 165%-185% 185%-205% 205%-225% 225%-255% 255%-275% 275%-295% > 295%
    Color intensity:
    If you notice inaccuracy, tick the appropriate line and press the button with a picture "edit"
    Result Lag
    LT - Sum LossTime on legs, which performed 'on mistake conditions' (see. On the top menu)The estimated loss of time(LossTime) = the Difference between the time of legand the expected time of leg the Latter is calculated as the best time on the stretch ,
multiplied by the ratio of the result of athlete 
to the Virtually best result(VBR) in the group
LossTime= T(leg) - ( Tbest(leg) * ( Result / VBR) )
    leg tot
    1 00:43:10.6
    (2:42 min/km)
    2 00:43:13.6
    (2:42 min/km)
    3 00:43:40.9
    (2:44 min/km)
    4 00:44:06.8
    (2:45 min/km)
    5 00:44:39.1
    (2:47 min/km)
    6 00:45:17.7
    (2:50 min/km)
    7 00:45:58.1
    (2:52 min/km)
    8 00:48:56.4
    (3:04 min/km)
    9 00:49:28.6
    (3:06 min/km)
    10 00:49:40.7
    (3:06 min/km)
    11 00:54:29.6
    (3:24 min/km)
    12 00:54:41.5
    (3:25 min/km)
    13 00:55:01.4
    (3:26 min/km)
    14 - -