Россия, Москва, Чертаново Центральное


    Competition type
    Way of moving
    Controls 23
    Athletes 67
    Distance length 5.500m
    Virtually best result 00:30:09
    Position 66
    Result 01:21:38
    Pace (min/km) 14:51

    Перетащите фотки сюда

      Leg Progress of the race Progress on the leg LT
      Total Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km) Leg time Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km)
      1 S  ->  31 2:56 +1:49 +162% (62) 129 22:44 2:56 +1:49 +162% (62) 129 22:44 -
      2 31  ->  32 7:11 +4:15 +144% (63) 320 22:26 4:15 +2:27 +136% (63) 191 22:15 -
      3 32  ->  33 9:43 +5:52 +152% (65) 481 20:12 2:32 +1:37 +176% (63) 161 15:44 +3
      4 33  ->  34 13:22 +7:22 +122% (64) 631 21:10 3:39 +2:46 +313% (62) 150 24:20 +1:15
      5 34  ->  35 16:25 +9:42 +144% (63) 1000 16:25 3:03 +2:20 +325% (64) 369 8:15 +1:07
      6 35  ->  36 24:03 +16:16 +208% (66) 1185 20:17 7:38 +6:34 +615% (67) 185 41:15 +4:45
      7 36  ->  37 27:07 +18:20 +208% (67) 1362 19:54 3:04 +2:04 +206% (64) 177 17:19 +22
      8 37  ->  38 29:23 +19:32 +198% (65) 1539 19:05 2:16 +1:12 +112% (64) 177 12:48 -
      9 38  ->  39 32:38 +21:25 +190% (65) 1775 18:23 3:15 +2:07 +186% (64) 236 13:46 +11
      10 39  ->  40 35:47 +23:04 +181% (65) 2064 17:20 3:09 +1:39 +110% (61) 289 10:53 -
      11 40  ->  43 37:44 +23:56 +173% (65) 2259 16:42 1:57 +52 +80% (58) 195 10:00 -
      12 43  ->  44 40:10 +25:08 +167% (65) 2498 16:04 2:26 +1:12 +97% (63) 239 10:10 -
      13 44  ->  41 42:16 +26:06 +161% (64) 2713 15:34 2:06 +58 +85% (62) 215 9:46 -
      14 41  ->  42 52:10 +31:22 +150% (62) 3508 14:52 9:54 +5:16 +113% (61) 795 12:27 -
      15 42  ->  51 54:50 +33:09 +152% (62) 3675 14:55 2:40 +1:47 +201% (67) 167 15:58 +16
      16 51  ->  50 57:39 +34:39 +150% (62) 3865 14:54 2:49 +1:33 +122% (65) 190 14:49 -
      17 50  ->  49 1:01:47 +37:31 +154% (63) 4159 14:51 4:08 +2:52 +226% (67) 294 14:03 +42
      18 49  ->  48 1:05:41 +40:11 +157% (63) 4413 14:53 3:54 +2:40 +216% (66) 254 15:21 +34
      19 48  ->  52 1:09:20 +42:22 +157% (66) 4639 14:56 3:39 +2:12 +151% (66) 226 16:09 -
      20 52  ->  47 1:11:48 +43:42 +155% (66) 4835 14:51 2:28 +1:21 +120% (64) 196 12:35 -
      21 47  ->  46 1:15:22 +45:59 +156% (66) 5045 14:56 3:34 +2:17 +177% (64) 210 16:59 +6
      22 46  ->  45 1:20:12 +48:57 +156% (66) 5346 15:00 4:50 +2:58 +158% (66) 301 16:03 -
      23 45  ->  100 1:21:29 +49:49 +157% (66) 5439 14:58 1:17 +52 +208% (67) 93 13:47 +9
      24 100  ->  F 1:21:38 +49:51 +156% (66) 5500 14:50 0:09 +4 +80% (58) 61 2:27 -

      Position on the leg
      The current position in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, times
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Pace, min/km
      Pace on the leg
      Average pace in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, relatively (+% from the best)
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control