Россия, Москва и МО, Коломенское / Садовники


    Competition type
    Way of moving
    Standart with forking
    ФСОМ / Нагатино-Садовники
    Controls 40
    Athletes 122
    Distance length 10.500m
    Virtually best result 01:01:47
    Position 99
    Result 01:59:19
    Pace (min/km) 11:22

    Перетащите фотки сюда

      Leg Progress of the race Progress on the leg LT
      Total Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km) Leg time Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km)
      1 S  ->  66 4:05 +3:15 +390% (119) 211 19:21 4:05 +3:15 +390% (119) 211 19:21 +2:28
      2 66  ->  32 9:28 +5:32 +140% (117) 875 10:49 5:23 +2:17 +73% (113) 664 8:06 -
      3 32  ->  33 10:32 +5:41 +117% (115) 1050 10:01 1:04 +15 +30% (73) 175 6:05 -
      4 33  ->  34 12:01 +6:12 +106% (113) 1296 9:16 1:29 +31 +53% (99) 246 6:01 -
      5 34  ->  51 15:55 +8:00 +101% (114) 1474 10:47 3:54 +1:57 +100% (110) 178 21:54 +8
      6 51  ->  55 17:59 +9:10 +103% (111) 1628 11:02 2:04 +1:16 +158% (109) 154 13:25 +31
      7 55  ->  52 18:59 +9:29 +99% (112) 1714 11:04 1:00 +29 +93% (107) 86 11:37 +0
      8 52  ->  51 20:58 +9:46 +87% (110) 1854 11:18 1:59 +32 +36% (48) 140 14:10 -
      9 51  ->  38 27:05 +14:05 +108% (110) 2015 13:26 6:07 +4:19 +239% (114) 161 37:59 +2:38
      10 38  ->  41 33:34 +18:27 +122% (109) 2206 15:12 6:29 +4:57 +322% (116) 191 33:56 +3:31
      11 41  ->  51 37:12 +19:40 +112% (109) 2466 15:05 3:38 +1:13 +50% (62) 260 13:58 -
      12 51  ->  39 43:30 +22:27 +106% (107) 2961 14:41 6:18 +2:47 +79% (97) 495 12:43 -
      13 39  ->  40 44:56 +22:50 +103% (107) 3182 14:07 1:26 +26 +43% (71) 221 6:29 -
      14 40  ->  61 47:22 +23:44 +100% (101) 3419 13:51 2:26 +54 +58% (68) 237 10:16 -
      15 61  ->  35 52:53 +25:36 +93% (98) 3921 13:29 5:31 +1:52 +51% (64) 502 10:59 -
      16 35  ->  48 58:06 +29:02 +99% (96) 4263 13:37 5:13 +3:26 +192% (112) 342 15:15 +1:46
      17 48  ->  53 1:00:41 +30:19 +99% (96) 4508 13:27 2:35 +1:22 +112% (103) 245 10:32 +14
      18 53  ->  57 1:02:26 +31:06 +99% (94) 4649 13:25 1:45 +47 +81% (91) 141 12:24 -
      19 57  ->  58 1:04:39 +32:00 +98% (94) 4824 13:24 2:13 +54 +68% (90) 175 12:40 -
      20 58  ->  53 1:05:28 +32:23 +97% (94) 4908 13:20 0:49 +23 +88% (106) 84 9:43 -
      21 53  ->  45 1:06:31 +32:50 +97% (93) 5016 13:15 1:03 +29 +85% (92) 108 9:43 -
      22 45  ->  59 1:08:38 +33:56 +97% (93) 5129 13:22 2:07 +1:12 +130% (108) 113 18:43 +21
      23 59  ->  53 1:10:02 +34:16 +95% (93) 5288 13:14 1:24 +30 +55% (91) 159 8:48 -
      24 53  ->  56 1:14:50 +36:03 +92% (93) 5797 12:54 4:48 +2:00 +71% (89) 509 9:25 -
      25 56  ->  54 1:18:04 +37:05 +90% (91) 6039 12:55 3:14 +1:02 +46% (63) 242 13:21 -
      26 54  ->  60 1:19:47 +37:43 +89% (91) 6227 12:48 1:43 +38 +58% (72) 188 9:07 -
      27 60  ->  49 1:26:02 +41:35 +93% (87) 6594 13:02 6:15 +3:52 +162% (110) 367 17:01 +1:39
      28 49  ->  44 1:27:27 +42:08 +92% (86) 6768 12:55 1:25 +33 +63% (67) 174 8:08 -
      29 44  ->  31 1:30:07 +43:29 +93% (86) 6957 12:57 2:40 +1:21 +102% (107) 189 14:06 +7
      30 31  ->  49 1:30:45 +43:42 +92% (86) 7027 12:54 0:38 +18 +89% (85) 70 9:02 -
      31 49  ->  37 1:31:56 +44:04 +92% (85) 7207 12:45 1:11 +23 +47% (74) 180 6:34 -
      32 37  ->  50 1:33:26 +44:40 +91% (85) 7410 12:36 1:30 +36 +66% (90) 203 7:23 -
      33 50  ->  36 1:35:50 +45:35 +90% (85) 7673 12:29 2:24 +55 +61% (88) 263 9:07 -
      34 36  ->  49 1:36:54 +45:59 +90% (85) 7800 12:25 1:04 +36 +128% (95) 127 8:23 +10
      35 49  ->  74 1:50:23 +52:10 +89% (85) 9011 12:14 13:29 +6:11 +84% (105) 1211 11:08 -
      36 74  ->  79 1:51:45 +52:43 +89% (85) 9187 12:09 1:22 +33 +67% (92) 176 7:45 -
      37 79  ->  68 1:53:38 +53:27 +88% (85) 9460 12:00 1:53 +44 +63% (91) 273 6:53 -
      38 68  ->  64 1:56:49 +54:33 +87% (85) 9924 11:46 3:11 +1:07 +54% (91) 464 6:51 -
      39 64  ->  65 1:57:54 +54:43 +86% (79) 10072 11:42 1:05 +17 +35% (38) 148 7:19 -
      40 65  ->  80 1:59:05 +54:58 +85% (79) 10275 11:35 1:11 +18 +33% (48) 203 5:49 -
      41 80  ->  F 1:59:19 +55:00 +85% (99) 10500 11:21 0:14 +5 +55% (67) 225 1:02 -

      Position on the leg
      The current position in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, times
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Pace, min/km
      Pace on the leg
      Average pace in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, relatively (+% from the best)
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control