Россия, Москва и МО, Царицыно


    Competition type
    Way of moving
    Controls 12
    Athletes 21
    Distance length 2.900m
    Virtually best result 00:21:35
    Position 18
    Result 00:58:13
    Pace (min/km) 20:04

    Перетащите фотки сюда

      Leg Progress of the race Progress on the leg LT
      Total Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km) Leg time Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km)
      1 S  ->  31 4:41 +3:09 +205% (18) 223 21:00 4:41 +3:09 +205% (18) 223 21:00 +33
      2 31  ->  32 9:07 +6:18 +223% (17) 414 22:01 4:26 +3:20 +303% (19) 191 23:12 +1:28
      3 32  ->  33 12:08 +8:05 +199% (17) 555 21:51 3:01 +2:01 +201% (19) 141 21:23 +19
      4 33  ->  51 18:31 +11:53 +179% (18) 977 18:57 6:23 +3:48 +147% (14) 422 15:07 -
      5 51  ->  38 23:44 +15:38 +193% (19) 1256 18:53 5:13 +3:45 +255% (20) 279 18:41 +1:16
      6 38  ->  37 28:26 +18:40 +191% (19) 1487 19:07 4:42 +3:02 +181% (19) 231 20:20 +12
      7 37  ->  35 34:33 +21:26 +163% (19) 1782 19:23 6:07 +2:46 +82% (17) 295 20:44 -
      8 35  ->  52 38:14 +23:23 +157% (19) 1933 19:46 3:41 +2:51 +342% (19) 151 24:23 +1:26
      9 52  ->  34 42:43 +26:32 +163% (19) 2073 20:36 4:29 +3:38 +427% (21) 140 32:01 +2:11
      10 34  ->  53 48:41 +29:22 +152% (19) 2331 20:53 5:58 +3:12 +115% (19) 258 23:07 -
      11 53  ->  54 51:03 +30:25 +147% (19) 2460 20:45 2:22 +1:03 +79% (15) 129 18:20 -
      12 54  ->  55 54:00 +31:45 +142% (19) 2638 20:28 2:57 +1:20 +82% (17) 178 16:34 -
      13 55  ->  F 58:13 +34:28 +145% (18) 2900 20:04 4:13 +2:43 +181% (19) 262 16:05 +10

      Position on the leg
      The current position in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, times
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Pace, min/km
      Pace on the leg
      Average pace in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, relatively (+% from the best)
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control