Россия, Тульская область, Обидимо


    Competition type
    Way of moving
    Standart with forking
    Controls 23
    Athletes 17
    Distance length 6.600m
    Climb 90
    Virtually best result 00:54:39
    Position 12
    Result 01:33:37
    Pace (min/km) 14:11

    Перетащите фотки сюда

      Leg Progress of the race Progress on the leg LT
      Total Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km) Leg time Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km)
      1 S  ->  34 11:42 +6:08 +110% (13) 719 16:16 11:42 +6:08 +110% (13) 719 16:16 +2:10
      2 34  ->  38 17:12 +7:57 +85% (13) 1098 15:39 5:30 +1:54 +52% (8) 379 14:30 -
      3 38  ->  40 28:49 +15:25 +115% (13) 1540 18:42 11:37 +7:46 +201% (16) 442 26:16 +5:01
      4 40  ->  41 30:27 +15:34 +104% (13) 1695 17:57 1:38 +22 +28% (8) 155 10:32 -
      5 41  ->  42 32:23 +16:03 +98% (13) 1848 17:31 1:56 +43 +58% (14) 153 12:38 -
      6 42  ->  38 38:00 +18:02 +90% (13) 2228 17:03 5:37 +2:19 +70% (13) 380 14:46 -
      7 38  ->  37 39:18 +18:27 +88% (13) 2353 16:42 1:18 +25 +47% (12) 125 10:24 -
      8 37  ->  36 41:43 +18:46 +81% (13) 2534 16:27 2:25 +26 +21% (7) 181 13:21 -
      9 36  ->  35 42:49 +18:56 +79% (13) 2641 16:12 1:06 +23 +53% (13) 107 10:16 -
      10 35  ->  38 44:35 +19:15 +75% (13) 2829 15:45 1:46 +29 +37% (10) 188 9:23 -
      11 38  ->  43 46:15 +19:32 +73% (13) 2964 15:36 1:40 +26 +35% (10) 135 12:20 -
      12 43  ->  52 49:54 +20:36 +70% (13) 3244 15:22 3:39 +1:14 +51% (12) 280 13:02 -
      13 52  ->  55 52:27 +21:17 +68% (13) 3460 15:09 2:33 +49 +47% (11) 216 11:48 -
      14 55  ->  54 54:07 +21:29 +65% (13) 3628 14:54 1:40 +23 +29% (8) 168 9:55 -
      15 54  ->  53 55:42 +21:53 +64% (12) 3793 14:41 1:35 +24 +33% (9) 165 9:35 -
      16 53  ->  52 59:44 +22:01 +58% (11) 4160 14:21 4:02 +36 +17% (6) 367 10:59 -
      17 52  ->  51 1:03:42 +23:03 +56% (11) 4456 14:17 3:58 +1:04 +36% (11) 296 13:24 -
      18 51  ->  46 1:07:27 +23:49 +54% (11) 4735 14:14 3:45 +1:05 +40% (8) 279 13:26 -
      19 46  ->  52 1:13:05 +25:48 +54% (11) 5040 14:30 5:38 +2:22 +72% (13) 305 18:28 +2
      20 52  ->  56 1:17:19 +26:46 +52% (11) 5306 14:34 4:14 +1:23 +48% (13) 266 15:54 -
      21 56  ->  59 1:24:09 +31:04 +58% (12) 5596 15:02 6:50 +4:39 +212% (15) 290 23:33 +3:06
      22 59  ->  63 1:29:31 +33:53 +60% (12) 5998 14:55 5:22 +2:49 +110% (14) 402 13:20 +1:00
      23 63  ->  90 1:33:19 +34:38 +59% (12) 6461 14:26 3:48 +45 +24% (12) 463 8:12 -
      24 90  ->  F 1:33:37 +34:40 +58% (13) 6600 14:11 0:18 +4 +28% (4) 139 2:09 -

      Position on the leg
      The current position in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, times
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Pace, min/km
      Pace on the leg
      Average pace in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, relatively (+% from the best)
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control