When I returned back in orienteering after a 15-year pause, I felt lack of analytical information. I wanted carefully detect errors and calculate loss on each leg. And I began to struggle with Exel files inserting split times by hand. Then, in the spring of 2013, I wrote a simple script which digested splits from Win-Orient and added data about time loass to the leader. These files I uploaded to the site romashkovo.host-ed.me.
Simultaneously I realized that it would be wise to organize a web resource which anyone could use to upload splits and which would allow more flexibility for analyzis and display of the results. So in the summer of 2013 I sat down to learn PHP and MySql. Just at the same time Dmitry Kasatkin suggested me to use the resource o-stuff.net as a platform for future site.
By the winter of 13/14 somehow I understood how to pull a web server to get what i want from it. Data structure was defined. I took as a basis the DOMA website and started learning php during development.
With varying degrees of success, getting stuck on nothing (especially JS and CSS), the case moved forward. And, finally, by the beginning of the spring season 2014 resource revived. With working title "Library of splits".
By this time it was already possible to upload WinOrient split files and SFR. Analyze the classical given direction and forking. Later EMIT splits upoading was added. It took long time to deal with "choice" distance analysis - simple algorithm which analyze all of the variants was stuck usually at 15-19 legs, when the number of cases exceeded 100 000. So I had to write a mechanism to drop losing variations in the intermediate stages.
Also rating system was made based on data uploaded to the Library.
Please welcome and don't be to harsh.
Best regards, Sergei Savelyev.
Since the beginning of 2020 I picked up The Library development. Lots of stuff was rewritten, UI updated and added support for new formats of results protocols to analyze. And there are even more ideas and plans for service development.
You can send your questions and suggestions about the Library or requests to add your advertising on any o-stuff projects to my e-mail or o-stuff accaunts in social networks. (, , ) Also feel free to write to my personal accounts.