Instructions for creating and editing the rating on this resource.
1 Login
You can login on any page of the rating system on the 'Login' on the menu, which is hidden under the icon with a key in the top row (when the link to the competition or the athlete, authorization has to be offered to the Splits Library!)
To register, you must fill in the fields with an asterisk: nickname, password, name, email. The rest of the fields change the text on your home page. A tooltip for each parameter appears when the cursor is placed in the corresponding field.
After a successful login, when the entered login exists in the system and the password is correct, you will be redirected to the user page.
2 Add / Edit ratings.
After a successful login, the top line displays the text 'Add a rating'. By clicking on it, the left mouse button (LMB) or a finger on a touch-screen, add a new rating with the parameters 'default' and the name of R-X (where X - through a serial number rating in the system) and offers page editing.
To edit the rating, click on the icon with the image of the sheet with a pencil in the right row of the cell corresponding to the desired competition.
3 Name / country / region
Enter the correct name, and, if necessary, the country and region.
4 Block selection formula for estimate points.
Fomula for calculating the rating can be set for all events or specify for each group of each event individually.
4.1 "For all the competition" - the selected formula is used to calculate in all groups.
Rmax-the highest rating in the group (see. further p.5)
Tbest-time winner.
T-the participant time
4.2 "For each group individually competition" - will be invited to select a formula for each group after loading a particular competition.
If there is a dependency selection formula from the name of the group, you can check "to bind the formula to the group name" and add the right amount of correspondences (maximum 999).
In the "Group" the full name of the group (case-insensitive), in the "Formula" - the number of formula given in the tip of the right-hand side of the screen (hint appears when you put the cursor in one of the fields: Group or formula).
If you add a new COMPETITIONS, server find in it a group name that is identical to the entered, then this group will be established by the appropriate formula.
Change the settings manually, or remove the competition from the list and refresh to apply the filter.
5 Blok determine the maximum rating in the group and the conditions on the leader.
5.1 Maximum rating can be set for all events or specify for each group of each event individually. Calculated using the formula value ranking the participant can not exceed it.
5.1.1 "For all the competition" - the specified value will be used for all groups, with check marks all competitions. If set to 0, it will be exposed to 100!
5.1.2 "For each group individually competition" - you must specify the value for each group after loading a particular competition.
If there is a dependence of the maximum rating of the group name, you can check "Bind the maximum rating to the group name" and add the right amount of correspondences (maximum 999).
In the "Group" the full name of the group (not case sensitive) in the "Maximum Ratings" - an integer value from 0 to 65534.
If you add a new COMPETITIONS, server find in it a group name that is identical to the entered (case insensitive, that is, uppercase and lowercase letters are considered identical), then this group will be set to the appropriate value, if server do not find - then the group will not be participate in the rating (hereinafter such groups can be manually included in the score and set the maximum value).
Change the settings manually, or remove the competition from the list and refresh to apply the filter.
5.2 "The condition on the leader." Allows you to set the time that corresponds to the maximum rating.
As a special case, you can specify the name of the group and the corresponding range of ages (in the format from-to) separately for men and women, whose result will not be taken into account when calculating the "Leader".
If the server finds in the competition group whose name is identical to the entered, the script sequentially, starting with the winner, iterate over the results until it find a woman, whose age does not fall within the specified range, including the boundary values, or non a woman (the sex of the participant can not always be identified by name in the protocol, especially if the club chip Set) with age, not falling within the range for men;
If not find - time will be set to 0 and the calculation of the time the winner will be conducted as follows:
Tbest = (time participant) - (behind the leader).
In this example, the group D2 "leader" is considered the best participant, except men aged 21 to 49 years (limits included), that is, if you win a man aged 49 years, and the second is a young man of 20 years (or a woman of any age), then both credited with by the maximum rating, but in the formula for calculating the rating will participate result of the second participant.
Change the settings manually, or remove the competition from the list and refresh to apply the filter.
5.3 "Minimum Rating". The minimum value of the rating the participant, in the case of successful completion of their course.
5.4 "Accuracy of calculation (decimals)" Number of decimal places by rounding and display the calculated value rating for each event. For better readability of the table ranking recommend to increase the order of the maximum rating, you enter a fractional number, that is best left 0.
6 Block edit the list of competitions included in the rating.
Here, the competition added to the list and edit group settings: Enable / disable groups of rank calculation, the formula for ESTIMATE rating, the maximum rating, and time "leader."
"Date Range" and "Search filter for competition " limit the scope of the search, respectively, the date of the event and the name, country, region, district, organizer or comment (not case-sensitive). When the institution of the new rating range exhibited a year ago from the current date. Empty the filter does not restrict the search.
If you select "Fixed Interval" and the upper value (second field), the date is less than the current year, then in calculating the age of the participant, for the distribution by age group, will be taken into account this value. In all other cases, when calculating the value of the current age is taken (at the time of viewing) of the year! This is done to support archival ratings, so you can see the rating, for example, 10-year-old in the same condition as it was 10 years ago, there are athletes who are now 40 years old, then fell into a group of 30.
By clicking on the green "+" displays a window with a list of events has not yet been added to this rating, the date of which is placed in the selected time interval (or carried out no more than the selected number of days ago, if you specify the option "Previous X Days") and the title area , region, organizer or comment contains the specified text in the filter.
Select the desired event and press the green check mark button Ok to add competition in the rating. If above were chosen manual setting formulas and maximum ratings, then set the default value, or those that have been listed in the table binding formulas and maximum values to the group name. Also, if the conditions were established on the leader, will be analyzed and identified a leader in each group and put his time as a reference.
During loading the competition will be added so that the most recent are on top. However, after you save and re-edit rating competitions will be displayed in chronological order from top to bottom.
Table competitions presented in one line per contest. In the middle cell of each row are arranged blocks for each group competitions, consisting of at least "check-box" and the group name. If a check mark affixed, the participants of the group rating is calculated, if not, then - no. Depending on what options the choice of formulas and the maximum rating is selected, for each group of competitions can also be offered a maximum of three more parameters: the maximum score (box labeled "MAX"), the leader of the time (the field with a stopwatch) and formula (drop-down list the serial number of the formula. Match formula and its sequence number can be found in the selection box of the formula for points ESTIMATE: click "Snap formula to the group name" - click the green plus sign - put the cursor in one of the input fields - on the right you will be prompted with the available formulas)
If the field to set the maximum rating 0, then the group will be excluded from the ranking. If in the time of the leader to put 0, then the leader is considered the fastest participant is a winner in the group.
7 Block selection criterion hit points scored in the competition in the overall ranking of the participant.
By default, all the successful launch party fall in its rating. But in this unit may change the criteria for counting the total number of rating points. Available to choose: a number of the best starts adjudged to be in total ranking and at which the best: if you set the first, then all the better; if the 2nd, the best rating does not stack, etc.
8. Display block.
In this unit, you can choose whether to display the overall performance of time and location, as well as select groups, which will be distributed to participants
8.1 "Show the total time" and "Show the amount of positions." When calculating the overall rating is calculated as the total amount of time and position for each start, falling within the Ladder (in accordance with the criteria set out in the previous section). Accordingly, selecting a particular option may be to add a column to describe the values of the table ranking.
8.2 "Calculate the overall rating." The estimated rating of competitor will enter in the overall table with all the participants.
8.3 "Calculate the overall rating, Male / Female". The estimated rating of competitor will fall in the overall table with the participants of the same gender. If the sex of the participant to determine the system failed, or is it impossible in principle (as in the protocols appears only for the name of the club which is attributed to the chip), the ratings of the the participant falls into a group of "men" only if in "Correction Block" cheking "If the gender of the athlete is not set, attribute it to the men's group ", otherwise the rating of the the participant will not be taken into account in these groups!