Росия, Москва, Зюзино


    Competition type
    Way of moving
    Controls 22
    Athletes 62
    Distance length 4.500m
    Virtually best result 00:29:17
    Position 52
    Result 00:50:44
    Pace (min/km) 11:16

    Перетащите фотки сюда

      Leg Progress of the race Progress on the leg LT
      Total Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km) Leg time Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km)
      1 S  ->  33 3:08 +1:03 +50% (38) 297 10:32 3:08 +1:03 +50% (38) 297 10:32 -
      2 33  ->  32 5:57 +2:03 +52% (44) 445 13:22 2:49 +1:00 +55% (51) 148 19:01 -
      3 32  ->  49 7:45 +2:46 +55% (44) 615 12:36 1:48 +43 +66% (51) 170 10:35 -
      4 49  ->  48 9:09 +3:13 +54% (44) 738 12:23 1:24 +27 +47% (41) 123 11:22 -
      5 48  ->  47 14:08 +6:38 +88% (58) 939 15:03 4:59 +3:30 +235% (62) 201 24:47 +2:25
      6 47  ->  46 16:14 +7:28 +85% (58) 1127 14:24 2:06 +50 +65% (46) 188 11:10 -
      7 46  ->  45 18:33 +8:07 +77% (57) 1378 13:27 2:19 +42 +43% (45) 251 9:13 -
      8 45  ->  44 19:50 +8:31 +75% (57) 1463 13:33 1:17 +25 +48% (43) 85 15:05 -
      9 44  ->  39 22:57 +9:35 +71% (55) 1811 12:40 3:07 +1:04 +52% (40) 348 8:57 -
      10 39  ->  42 24:54 +10:48 +76% (56) 1952 12:45 1:57 +1:13 +165% (61) 141 13:49 +41
      11 42  ->  43 26:41 +11:16 +73% (54) 2140 12:28 1:47 +34 +46% (38) 188 9:29 -
      12 43  ->  38 28:31 +11:57 +72% (54) 2364 12:03 1:50 +41 +59% (52) 224 8:11 -
      13 38  ->  37 31:28 +13:07 +71% (52) 2598 12:06 2:57 +1:10 +65% (44) 234 12:36 -
      14 37  ->  34 33:43 +13:58 +70% (53) 2794 12:04 2:15 +54 +66% (53) 196 11:28 -
      15 34  ->  35 36:28 +14:47 +68% (51) 3097 11:46 2:45 +57 +52% (39) 303 9:04 -
      16 35  ->  52 38:22 +15:28 +67% (51) 3280 11:41 1:54 +50 +78% (55) 183 10:22 +3
      17 52  ->  51 39:45 +15:52 +66% (51) 3439 11:33 1:23 +30 +56% (49) 159 8:42 -
      18 51  ->  53 41:01 +16:15 +65% (51) 3549 11:33 1:16 +28 +58% (51) 110 11:30 -
      19 53  ->  54 42:41 +16:27 +62% (51) 3666 11:38 1:40 +38 +61% (46) 117 14:14 -
      20 54  ->  55 45:16 +17:41 +64% (52) 3837 11:47 2:35 +1:26 +124% (61) 171 15:06 +35
      21 55  ->  31 48:32 +18:51 +63% (51) 4189 11:35 3:16 +1:21 +70% (51) 352 9:16 -
      22 31  ->  100 50:32 +19:34 +63% (52) 4437 11:23 2:00 +54 +81% (52) 248 8:03 +6
      23 100  ->  F 50:44 +19:37 +63% (52) 4500 11:16 0:12 +7 +140% (35) 63 3:10 +3

      Position on the leg
      The current position in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, times
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Pace, min/km
      Pace on the leg
      Average pace in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, relatively (+% from the best)
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control