Россия, Орловская область, г. Мценск

    Перетащите фотки сюда

      Leg Progress of the race Progress on the leg LT
      Total Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km) Leg time Delay Pos. Dist(m) Pace (min/km)
      1 S  ->  59 3:12 +1:14 +62% (6) 202 15:50 3:12 +1:14 +62% (6) 202 15:50 -
      2 59  ->  50 7:29 +2:43 +56% (6) 475 15:45 4:17 +1:32 +55% (6) 273 15:41 -
      3 50  ->  34 10:06 +3:43 +58% (6) 597 16:55 2:37 +1:00 +61% (4) 122 21:26 -
      4 34  ->  52 10:51 +4:01 +58% (6) 633 17:08 0:45 +18 +66% (4) 36 20:50 -
      5 52  ->  55 12:44 +4:30 +54% (5) 683 18:38 1:53 +39 +52% (5) 50 37:40 -
      6 55  ->  60 21:00 +9:31 +82% (6) 1049 20:01 8:16 +5:01 +154% (6) 366 22:35 +2:43
      7 60  ->  40 26:35 +11:17 +73% (6) 1386 19:10 5:35 +1:46 +46% (6) 337 16:34 -
      8 40  ->  61 27:24 +11:11 +68% (6) 1426 19:12 0:49 +13 +36% (4) 40 20:25 -
      9 61  ->  76 28:47 +11:40 +68% (6) 1532 18:47 1:23 +29 +53% (5) 106 13:03 -
      10 76  ->  67 29:16 +11:45 +67% (6) 1607 18:12 0:29 +6 +26% (4) 75 6:26 -
      11 67  ->  74 30:00 +11:59 +66% (6) 1683 17:49 0:44 +14 +46% (6) 76 9:38 -
      12 74  ->  47 30:38 +12:11 +66% (6) 1740 17:36 0:38 +15 +65% (5) 57 11:06 -
      13 47  ->  90 30:55 +12:17 +65% (6) 1780 17:22 0:17 +6 +54% (4) 40 7:05 -
      14 90  ->  F 31:11 +12:19 +65% (6) 1900 16:24 0:16 +2 +14% (3) 120 2:13 -

      Position on the leg
      The current position in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, times
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Pace, min/km
      Pace on the leg
      Average pace in the race at control
      Order number of the control
      Delay, relatively (+% from the best)
      Delay on the leg
      The current delay in the race at control
      Order number of the control